How do you plan successful catering for networking events?

Escapade Events

New member
Networking events are not quite like other kinds of events. They need to be relaxed enough for people to feel comfortable approaching strangers, but guests also need to be able to remain focused on business. A networking event where everyone has a fantastic time but nobody makes useful new connections might well be a success as a party, but it would be a complete failure with regard to its actual purpose.

One of the keys to getting the right kind of atmosphere at a networking event is the catering – and catering for networking events requires a particular kind of planning. Let's start with food. You need to avoid anything that people cannot eat with one hand, because you want them to be able to move around, but there are other things that must also be avoided.

Anything that might drip down somebody's front is definitely out, as is any pastry that is too flaky – it is hard to look or feel professional with crumbs or globs of sauce down your shirt. You want to avoid anything too chewy too – you need to reach out to be able to talk. This means that classic bite sized finger foods are very much the order of the day at networking events.

This does not mean that the food has to be dull or predictable, however. Cheese and pineapple on sticks and cocktail sausages might set a tone that is a little too retro, but with a little imagination you can put a modern twist on finger food. Make sure to make your culinary options inclusive as well as interesting though – you will need to have vegetarian and vegan options available. While any good caterer will offer these as a matter of course it is always worth making sure.

Once the food has been taken care of you need to think about drinks – generally speaking these are best kept simple. Soft drinks, perhaps red and white wine, and a straightforward choice of beer. Remember, this is not an ordinary party. Drinks can help to keep the conversation flowing but they are not really the focus of a networking event. You want conversation to center around the things generally have in common in terms of business, not on the relative merits of Shiraz over Merlot or Craft Beer over lager.

This does not mean, however, that bar staff at networking events are not crucial. True, their mixology skills and ability to deliver drinks that are completely poured with a fabulous flourish may not be called upon at such an event, but their people skills are absolutely vital. Catering networking events requires staff – both bar staff and waiting staff – who are good with people. Such staff are an invaluable asset.

As a leading provider of Corporate Catering Cheshire networking event planners have come to trust our bar and corporate catering services. We can deliver the right staff and the right catering resources that will help make your networking event a success for all concerned. Once you have engaged our services the only thing that you will need to worry about is the guest list.

This final aspect of a successful networking event is in many ways the most important. The key to a successful networking event is putting people who can form mutually beneficial business relationships together and allowing them to mix. As a general rule once you have done that the right people will tend to find each other.

If you have a networking event to plan, get in touch and find out how we can help you bring the right people together.

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