What Do Groundhogs Eat?


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Groundhogs, also known as woodchucks, are herbivorous rodents that belong to the squirrel family. They have a primarily vegetarian diet and consume a variety of plant-based foods. Here's what do groundhogs eat :
  1. Grasses and Forbs: Groundhogs graze on a wide range of grasses and forbs found in meadows and fields. These make up a significant portion of their diet.
  1. Vegetables: They are known to have a preference for garden vegetables like lettuce, broccoli, and carrots, which can sometimes lead to conflicts with gardeners.
  1. Fruits: Groundhogs enjoy fruits such as apples, berries, and cherries, especially when they are in season.
  1. Legumes: Leguminous plants like clover and alfalfa are commonly consumed by groundhogs.
  1. Herbs: They may also nibble on various herbs, adding some diversity to their diet.
  1. Tree Bark: In some cases, they may gnaw on tree bark, which helps keep their ever-growing incisors in check.
  1. Flowers: Groundhogs are known to eat certain flowers and ornamental plants.
Despite their predominant herbivorous diet, groundhogs are opportunistic feeders. They may occasionally consume insects or insect larvae, but these items make up only a small portion of their overall diet. Groundhogs spend a significant portion of their time foraging and eating to store up fat reserves, especially before hibernation during the winter months. Their preference for certain garden plants can be a challenge for gardeners, so protective measures are often necessary to keep these creatures at bay.