Utilize waypoints and other key areas on the map


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Of course, you can play online with Diablo 4 crossplay, but we also asked if Diablo 4 couch co-op is available for PC players Diablo 4 Gold. Not only is it more fun to play with your friends, but each party member also gains an additional 5% experience bonus when completing missions and taking down enemies near each other.

Try a controller for more comfortable play
Diablo 4 controller support is excellent given the number of keys you’ll need to use on KBM. If you struggle with keybinds as it is, or start to have problems with wrist pain, we’d recommend playing with a controller on any PC game that supports it, to be honest, and Diablo 4 is no different.

The Diablo 4 map is key to your success and is thankfully one of the more user-friendly maps around. Your minimap is super easy to use and keep an eye on as you head toward your next destination, but you can make it even better by activating a waypoint. Open up your main map by pressing ‘M’, and simply right-clicking your mouse on the point you want to head to will set up a waypoint and the quickest path even if that waypoint is on an area of the map you’ve not yet explored.

You will also spot some colored areas on the map, either blue, yellow, or orange highlighted sections of the map. These all mean different things, and it helps to know what’s going on if you find yourself in one of these zones. A blue highlighted area shows you that a side quest item or NPC is located within, so you don’t need to look outside its boundaries. Yellow areas are the same for main quests cheap Diablo IV Gold, while orange zones show you that a world event is taking place a public, online encounter that you can join in with others.