Understanding the distinction between ADD and ADHD in adults.


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The distinction between ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) in adults can be summarized as follows:

ADD in Adults:

  1. ADD is often used by difficulties with attention, focus, and organization.
  2. Adults with ADD may struggle with staying on task, being easily distracted, and maintaining attention to detail.
  3. Hyperactivity is typically not a prominent feature in ADD, although individuals may experience internal restlessness.
  4. Adults with ADD may exhibit forgetfulness, difficulty following instructions, and challenges with time management.
  5. It is important to note that the term "ADD" is no longer used as a standalone diagnosis in current diagnostic manuals. It is now classified as a presentation of ADHD.
ADHD in Adults:

  1. ADHD includes both the symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity.
  2. Inattentiveness in adults with ADHD can manifest as difficulty organizing tasks, losing things, and having trouble sustaining focus.
  3. Hyperactivity in adults with ADHD may present as restlessness, impulsivity, and a tendency to engage in risky behaviors.
  4. Adults with ADHD may struggle with regulating emotions, maintaining relationships, and managing time effectively.
  5. It is worth mentioning that ADHD is a recognized diagnosis in current diagnostic criteria, encompassing the combined presentation of symptoms.
Overall, while ADD is commonly used to describe attention-related challenges in adults, ADHD is the more inclusive and accurate term that covers both inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity in the adult population.