Stalker 2 Still Aiming for Release in 2023


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GSC Game World has reaffirmed its plan to release Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl in 2023 following bits of hearsay that the game had been indefinitely delayed. Stalker 2 has been being developed for some time. It was officially announced in 2018 to get a publishing deal and then by 2021 GSC Game World announced plans to release the game in 2022. That release date has slipped, yet it's just since the start of the war in Ukraine that Stalker 2 fans have questioned what the game's future may be.

The ongoing Russian war of aggression in Ukraine has upset life for Ukrainians in profound ways. GSC Game World, similar to all Ukrainians, isn't insusceptible from these difficulties. A video dev diary shared by the team in June showed how individual engineers were impacted, including sharing the tales of several GSC Game World devs that have joined the protection of Ukraine. The improvement of Stalker 2 became to a lesser degree a need than the safety of the designers, however GSC Game World remained dedicated to the undertaking.

The release of the dev diary was accompanied by a message from GSC Game World stating the game's improvement would continue "after the triumph." Official messaging from Xbox would later affirm that Stalker 2's release was currently planned for 2023. In any case, there remained questions regarding whether that was accurate given the ongoing war in Ukraine. GSC Game World has now officially affirmed that 2023 remains the studio's plan. Stalker 2 has not been delayed further at this time.

GSC's remark on Stalker 2's release came because of talk stating the game was presently planned for release in either 2024 or 2025. This claim was excused as "absurd" by GSC Game World and incited a statement from the company, which says it doesn't usually answer talk and hearsay.

On one hand, it would be more than understandable for GSC to delay the improvement of Stalker 2 indefinitely, whether that's into 2023, 2025, or past. The state of the war in Ukraine takes priority over game turn of events. Then again, GSC Game World still has to pay its representatives, and to accomplish so work necessities to continue.

There's also the issue of GSC Game World's pride in its work. Stalker 2 is a game set in Ukraine, made by Ukrainian game designers. Given the present status of things, Stalker 2's improvement is an impression of the team's passion for its country. Stalker 2 is presently more important than it may have been otherwise. Setting a firm date for Stalker 2's release in 2023, regardless of whether that's realistic, will hopefully help the team toward that goal.