Introduction to Waste water Treatment

Introduction to Waste water Treatment


Wastewater is collected from homes, businesses, and industries via a network of pipes and drains


Large debris and solids are removed through mechanical screening to prevent damage to downstream equipment."

Primary Treatment

Wastewater undergoes primary treatment, where solids settle out in sedimentation tanks forming sludge

Secondary Treatment

Biological treatment occurs in aeration tanks, where micro organisms breakdown organic matter in the wastewater

Tertiary Treatment

Tertiary treatment involves filtration to remove remaining impurities, including fine particles and contaminants


Disinfection using chlorine or UV light kills harmful pathogens in the treated wastewater, making it safe for discharge


Treated wastewater can be reused for irrigation, industrial processes or replenishing groundwater

Environmental Benefits

Wastewater treatment protects water sources, aquatic ecosystems, and public health, ensuring a cleaner and healthier environment


Wastewater treatment plays a vital role in safeguarding our water resources and preserving the planet for future generation

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