How long does the flu shot last


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The duration of protection offered by the flu shot is a common concern among individuals seeking to protect themselves against influenza viruses. People often wonder, " How long does the flu shot last ?" The effectiveness of the flu shot can vary depending on several factors. Generally, the flu shot provides immunity for the duration of a flu season, which typically spans from October to May. However, its effectiveness can wane over time.

The flu virus is known for its ability to mutate, leading to different strains emerging each year. This mutability requires an annual flu shot to ensure that the vaccine matches the circulating strains. While the flu shot's protection may decrease over months, it remains a crucial preventive measure, especially for high-risk individuals like the elderly, young children, and those with compromised immune systems.

To maximize the flu shot's effectiveness, it's recommended to get vaccinated early in the flu season, ideally before the virus starts spreading widely. In some cases, booster shots or revaccination may be recommended, especially for those who are more susceptible to severe illness.

In conclusion, the question "how long does the flu shot last" doesn't have a straightforward answer. Its duration of protection extends throughout a flu season, but vigilance is required due to the ever-changing nature of the flu virus. Regular vaccination remains a key strategy in reducing the risk of flu-related complications and protecting public health.