Gemini – Loại file trùng lặp hiệu quả trên Mac

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Ứng dụng tự tìm và loại File trùng lặp hiệu quả trên Mac, giúp bạn tiết kiệm khá nhiều không gian ổ cứng do thói quen lưu trữ không khoa học!​

Tính năng chính:

  • Detect and delete duplicates. Locate and remove duplicate files, even if they’re in remote corners of your system. Gemini 2 scans your whole disk speed-of-light fast, no matter how massive it is. Dig through scan results and hand-pick the files to erase, or better – let Smart Select do all the work.
  • Spot and shred similars. Just like duplicates, similars are space wasters. Now, Gemini 2 is after them. Spot files that look alike, see how they differ, and delete those you don’t need. Because you have better use for all the space they occupy.
  • Your photos matter. Their copies don’t. Do you really need 10 retakes of the Golden Gate? Probably not. Don’t let copies invade your Photos: find duplicate pictures, look at them closely, and zap the extras.
  • You only enjoy one tune at a time. Even if you play the same tune on repeat, one copy is enough. Delete duplicates in iTunes: Gemini scans it to find those five copies of “Space Oddity” you’ve stored up.
  • It’s smart, and getting smarter. Gemini is smart. It easily tells copies from originals. It knows which files to keep intact. But the best thing is that it learns to select duplicates the way you do. Gemini’s algorithm remembers what you delete and what you choose to keep. It’s like an apprentice you are training.
  • Simple is stellar. Gemini’s carefully crafted to be super simple. Whatever you need to do – view duplicates in detail or quickly destroy them – it takes a few clicks. Because that’s what a good duplicate finder does: makes things simpler.
  • Nothing’s deleted for good — until you say so. Never worry about losing the wrong file by mistake. Gemini moves duplicates to the Trash and lets you bring them back in a click. If you do want the copies off your Mac, delete them for good. If you just want them out of your way, stash them in a faraway folder. It’s always your call.


Lưu ý cần đọc
  • Thắc mắc và lỗi tham gia MacLife Group. Cộng đồng sẽ HỖ TRỢ RẤT NHANH
  • Để cài được ứng dụng ngoài App Store bạn cần phải tắt Gatekeeper theo hướng dẫn ở đây.
  • Một số (rất ít) phần mềm yêu cầu thêm tắt SIP các bước tắt SIP bạn làm theo hướng dẫn ở đây

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