Feeder – Feed dữ liệu từ RSS, podcast…

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Với Feeder bạn dễ dàng tạo 1 danh sách các trang tin tức để tiện quản lý, ứng dụng hỗ trợ Feed tin từ RSS​


  • Feeder makes it easy to create and update your podcast, and ensures everything meets the Apple Podcasts requirements
  • Preview podcast episodes as they’ll appear in the Podcasts app
  • See serials listed by season and episode, along with trailers and bonuses, as in the Podcasts app
  • Publish feeds and media files to different servers with a single click
  • Redirect media file URLs through your preferred analytics service
  • Download your existing feed to move to Feeder
  • No lock-in: if you control your feed, you can use the service providers that suit you, and always move to another without losing subscribers


  • Edit your feeds on all your Macs with iCloud
  • Collaborate on feeds with other Feeder users with iCloud
  • Schedule items to be published
  • HTML editing and preview
  • Write descriptions using Markdown
  • Templates and auto-completion to save time
  • Feeder can publish using FTP, SFTP, Amazon S3, WebDAV and file export
  • Search the items in the feed, including by date
  • Cross-post items to a blog when publishing
  • Feeder 4 is completely updated for macOS Big Sur and built for Apple silicon


  • Create Sparkle appcasts that automatically generate DSA and edDSA signatures
  • Preview release notes as they’ll appear in the Sparkle update panel
  • Feeder is fully scriptable for creating, editing and publishing feeds, and can run a script or Automator workflow after a feed is published

Tương thích: 10.14 trở lên

Cần tắt SIP mới có thể chạy tốt app này

Lưu ý cần đọc
  • Thắc mắc và lỗi tham gia MacLife Group. Cộng đồng sẽ HỖ TRỢ RẤT NHANH
  • Để cài được ứng dụng ngoài App Store bạn cần phải tắt Gatekeeper theo hướng dẫn ở đây.
  • Một số Apps (rất ít, nếu có sẽ ghi chú ở cuối post) yêu cầu thêm tắt SIP cách SIP tham khảo ở đây

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