eBookBinder – Công cụ tạo Ebook đơn giản, gọn nhẹ

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eBookBinder giúp bạn để chuyển các định dạng văn bản thông thường thành file Ebook .epub để đọc chuyên nghiệp trên các thiết bị iOS hoặc các thiết bị đọc sách chuyên dụng​

Tính năng chính:

  • eBookBinder supports several different types of text files. Next to plain-text files also DOC, ODT, RTF, RTFD, HTML, Textbundle, Textpack and webarchive files are supported by eBookBinder.
  • Support of markup languages eBookBinder also accepts plain-text files written in Markdown, MultiMarkdown, Textile, Wikitext, and Smark as input. These will be converted on the fly when adding these as chapters to your book-process. Visit the preferences of eBookBinder to determine the file extensions which should be treated for conversion. All files with appropriate file extensions will be converted when imported.

Built-in editor – eBookBinder also features a built-in editor which offers some basic editing features like setting text bold, inverse, or underlined, and alignment of text. However, the best feature of the editor is the reduce feature: select the text you want to keep and hit the reduce button. Anything not selected will be removed. This is ideal for editing web articles to remove all the advertising and navigation stuff quickly.


Tương thích: macOS 10.10 trở lên

Lưu ý cần đọc
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